Clear Custom Return Address Labels and Guest Address Labels, Black or Gold Ink
Rainbow Labels
These specific clear labels are tear resistant, waterproof, microwave and freezer safe.
Dimension of Labels: 60 x 22 mm or 2.36" x 0.87", Please check the label size before purchase.
❤️Live preview of the fonts for names in the link below, font for the address will be regular font Times New Roman by default unless other font requested.
How to order:
1. Select color of lettering, Return or Guest labels, Quantity of Labels, font for the name under drop down menu,
2. Enter the the name and address in the text box if you need return address labels, for guest labels. For guest labels, please email your excel file with guest name and address to info[at] (change [at] to @). You may use google spreedsheet below to create the excel if you do not have excel installed in your computer
Format of the excel file:
1. Please double check the spelling, spacing et al.
2. Please try to keep your complete address 2-3 lines, label is not big enough for 4 lines of address
3. In excel column please type in name(s), address, city/States/zip Code and Optioanl country, we will print exactly the same as how you type in
4. Please limit your names to 30 characters or less, longer your name, smaller the text.
5. Once form completed, please click on file, download, microsoft excel. Save the file as your name or your order number, email the excel file to info[at]
6. If you do not need country but need additional line for Unit # or Apt # you may have the additional address line in "City, States and Zip Code" column and have the city/states/zip code in Country column